On Wednesday 8 May, the winning teams of the Science4Pandemics Teaching Unit video competition involving several secondary schools in Spain and Portugal were announced. The competition aimed to test students' creativity by creating a thematic video presenting a professional profile, allowing students to work in groups to explore and communicate the role of different professions in a pandemic.
This initiative is part of the free didactic unit "Discovering the professional profiles involved in pandemic management", which aims to inspire students through a series of working sessions to understand the roles and responsibilities of different professional profiles in times of health crisis. After participating in the gamification experience offered by the Science4Pandemics video game and an online conference in December, the third component of the didactic unit was the creation of a video depicting one of the professional roles involved in pandemic management. The video competition was designed to reward creativity and understanding of these roles and to generate additional interest in science and public health careers.

The winning projects are:
First place: Milo the Epidemiologist. By Jordi Colomo and Narcís Rabasedas, from the Vedruna Palamós School (4th ESO), which combines animation and voice-over to explain the role of this profession in a clear and attractive way.
Second prize: The Forgotten Professions. By Jana Argerich and Aya Lakmach, also from the Vedruna Palamós School (4th ESO), which presents the functions of a journalist and how they adapt to cover health emergencies, highlighting the critical role of the press in times of pandemics.
Third prize (ex aequo): Interview on Bioethics. Patricia Balakina and Alexander Díaz Nekrasa, from the Vedruna Palamós School (4th ESO), simulated an interview in a news programme and creatively explained how bioethics plays a crucial role in health decisions.
Third prize (ex aequo):  Voices that Inform. By Claudia González Llorente, Paula Fraile Gutiérrez and Elena Moreno García, from the Colegio Virgen del Remedio R.R. Trinitarias, which highlights the role of journalists as a bridge of information during a pandemic, allowing the public to understand and adapt to changing situations.
The winning projects reflect the students' creativity and commitment to understanding and communicating the impact of different professions in managing pandemics. The competition was an enriching educational experience and an example of how education and science can inspire the next generation of public health professionals.

Watch all the videos here: https://youtu.be/91tJrfyysvA?si=6N8ub6fmmLsHt88n